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Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks
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Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks

Barakabitze Alcardo, Hines Andrew

Machine Learning for Managing Big Data Streaming


Verlag: John Wiley & Sons

Lieferstatus: Lieferbar

Artikelnummer: CA830FE7


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Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks

Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks A comprehensive overview of Quality of Experience control and management of multimedia services in future networks In Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks, renowned researchers deliver a high-level exploration of Quality of Experience (QoE) control and management solutions for multimedia services in future softwarized and virtualized 5G networks. The book offers coverage of network softwarization and virtualization technologies, including SDN, NFV, MEC, and Fog/Cloud Computing, as critical elements for the management of multimedia services in future networks, like 5G and 6G networks and beyond. Providing a fulsome examination of end-to-end QoE control and management solutions in softwarized and virtualized networks, the book concludes with discussions of probable future challenges and research directions in emerging multimedia services and applications, 5G network management and orchestration, network slicing and collaborative service management of multimedia services in softwarized networks, and QoE-oriented business models. The distinguished authors also explore: * Thorough introductions to 5G networks, including definitions and requirements, as well as Quality of Experience management of multimedia streaming services * Comprehensive explorations of multimedia streaming services over the internet and network softwarization and virtualization in future networks * Practical discussions of QoE management using SDN and NFV in future networks, as well as QoE management of multimedia services in emerging architectures, including MEC, ICN, and Fog/Cloud Computing * In-depth examinations of QoE in emerging applications, 5G network slicing architectures and implementations, and 5G network slicing orchestration and resource management Perfect for researchers and engineers in multimedia services and telecoms, Multimedia Streaming in SDN/NFV and 5G Networks will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate and senior undergraduate students with interests in computer science, communication engineering, and telecommunication systems.


Verlag / Herausgeber: John Wiley & Sons

EAN: 9781119800804

ISBN-10: 1119800803

Dateityp: PDF

Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM

Erscheinungstermin: 02.12.2022

Auflage: 1. Auflage

Seiten: 272 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch


Verlag: John Wiley & Sons

Lieferstatus: Lieferbar

Artikelnummer: CA830FE7


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