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5G Wireless Technology

Waqas Ahmed


Verlag: AV Akademikerverlag

Lieferstatus: Lieferbar

Artikelnummer: A4679105

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  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
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5G Wireless Technology

4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) accelerates the significance of technologies that will determine future generation of communication. This report focuses on several technologies that will alter and define upcoming generations of communication. In this report we have discussed some of the technologies that are already implemented and others still in development. 5G will change the way to use cell phones with very high data rate and pushed over VOIP enabled devices. User will practice new level of data transmission never experienced before. This report will explain the 5G mobile network. Moreover, we will look at several of the technologies that are paving their way path into standards. The major aim of this report is to cover some aspects of 5G wireless communication network.


Verlag / Herausgeber: AV Akademikerverlag

EAN: 9783330517165

ISBN-10: 3330517166

Dateityp: Paperback

Erscheinungstermin: 07.04.2017

Produktform: Softcover

Seiten: 52 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Verpackungsgewicht: 96 Gramm

Verpackungsmaße (LxBxH): 0.40 15.00 22.00 cm


Verlag: AV Akademikerverlag

Lieferstatus: Lieferbar

Artikelnummer: A4679105

  • Kauf auf Rechnung
  • Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Europas
  • 30 Tage Rückgaberecht
  • Kein Mindestbestellwert

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